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When you think about parenting, what concerns do you have? Are you worried that you aren’t financially stable enough to parent? Are you concerned about not having your family’s support?

No matter what worries you most about parenting, your concerns are valid. However, free resources are available to help make it possible if you want to parent.

Is Parenting Right for Me?

There’s a lot to consider regarding parenting, but the most critical question to ask yourself is: Do I want to parent? If the answer is yes, even just a little, you owe it to yourself to fully explore this option.

Your current circumstances will change, but parenting is a lifelong decision. You can work toward your goals while parenting by taking small steps in the right direction.

When thinking through whether parenting is right for you, asking yourself the following questions can help:

  • What are my biggest concerns about parenting?
  • If I choose to parent, what action steps can I take to alleviate these concerns? (For example, if you’re worried about not having enough money, what steps can you take to get a higher-paying job or finish school?)
  • How might I feel if I don’t choose to parent? What regrets might I have?
  • Who can I talk to about my pregnancy decision? (Trusted friends, relatives, a counselor, etc.)

What Resources Are Available to Help?

If you choose to parent, you aren’t alone in this decision. Free support services and resources are available to help ensure you have what you need to succeed.

At Friends For Life, we offer a Parenting Center, which is a hub for everything you need to parent successfully.

Do you need help with financial constraints, such as groceries, safe housing, or material assistance? We can provide free referrals to resources in our community.

We understand what you’re going through and are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about everything we have to offer.

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